Florida Medicaid Comprehensive Diagnostic Evaluation (CDE)
*Beginning February 1st, 2017 all children with Medicaid eligibility must obtain prior approval from EQHealth for ABA Therapy (Behavior Analysis Services).
Medicaid Recipients: (Updated 07/31/2018)
We have been receiving an abundance of phone calls from Medicaid Recipient Families to the point we can no longer return phone calls in a timely manner. If you are a Medicaid Recipient with a question or wish to be put on our waiting list, please email us at info@southlakeautism.com
eQHealth Solutions is now managing Behavior Analysis Services
for Medicaid. The authorization process is taking 4 to 6 weeks minimum for authorizations for services to be processed by eQHealth.
Curious why it takes a while?
Here are some points in understanding how the insurance approval process generally works
Although the length of time for approval may vary, it generally takes 10-20 business days for in network insurance approvals.
In network:
Out of network:
Below is a list of Insurance plans we currently accept! If your insurance company is not listed below, email us through the Contact Us page. We will be happy to work with your insurance company to get services for you.
In Network: